“And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect.” (Romans 12:2, NASB95)


Better Nutrition in Organics

Some new long term studies are finding that there are some significantly higher levels of flavanoids, a valuable phytochemical, in tomatoes which are grown organically. This is just more proof that God really knew what he was doing when he made creation. Man just cannot compete with God’s works of creation. Natural organically managed soil has a complex and amazing ecology of microbes and insects that provide the best growing environment for plants and also help to maintain a living breathing earth. With the threats of global warming, we are reminded that a healthy living breathing earth is very important for our own fragile bodies. Look for sustainable, organic produce and change your habits to be more environmentally friendly. God’s creation is truly amazing and we are responsible to be good and wise stewards of the land. Click Here to read the 10 year study.


Compost Bin

One of the best ways to improve the soil in a garden is to add lots of home made compost. I started composting after attending a composting workshop provided by the San Jose City. They were selling plastic composting bins at 50% the retail price. The city was subsidizing the purchase of bins for San Jose residents. I made a couple batches of compost with the small little plastic bin and realized that I would need another bin or two in order to be able to have one pile of compost that is finishing while creating a new pile in another bin.

So instead of buying more plastic bins, I decided to create a 3 bin system made out of wood. I found the plans in The Rodale Book of Composting. All 3 bins are connected to each other with lids, removable front slats, and a hatch for throwing fresh material into the first bin. Here’s a photo of 1 of the 3 bins.


The 1st bin, on the far left, is for the fresh material. It’s called the holding bin. Once the holding bin is full, I move the contents to the middle bin and mix the proper amount of moisture, greens and dry material to get the composting action at it’s highest. My current batch stayed at 160 degrees for nearly a week! After it’s finished, I move it to the far right bin to settle and be used in the yard. Meanwhile, new material is continually added to the holding bin and the process can start again once the holding bin is full.

I not only gather material from our yard and kitchen, but I also go out to the curb on trash day and pick up grass clipping and leaves that neighbors bring to the street. I just wheel my wheelbarrow out there and get the good stuff for composting. I’ve been reading that human urine is actually a very good activator for composting, so I’m also considering getting a little bucket to put on the side yard! Heck, it’s good for the compost bin and I don’t have to waste water flushing it down the toilet. What a double blessing!  tongue laugh

To see all the compost bin photos, Click Here


Pope Denounces Protestants

Some of you might have thought that the Roman Catholic Church might soon be united in faith and theology with the protestant world. Well, the pope recently removed all doubt and made it clear that all protestant churches are not considered part of the true Church and only those churches which submit to the authority of the pope are part of the true Church. Albert Mohler, Southern Baptist theology seminary president commented on this news. Click Here to Read the Entire Article

And of course, I agree with Albert Mohler and Martin Luther on this matter. Man should submit to the authority of Scripture and Scripture alone. Looks like the Roman Catholic church hasn’t moved an inch since the Reformation. They are still enslaved by their magisterial pride and traditions despite the teachings of Scripture. They have made themselves to be the modern day Pharisee.


Removed the Flickr Badge

I removed the flickr badge that showed the latest photos on the sidebar. It was slowing down the front page and I think it might have been causing the front page not to load in some cases. Now, to see our photos at flickr, see the “My Space and Flickr” section of the right sidebar and click on the “Flickr” menu item.


Theology to the Unchurched?

Since becoming a Christian, I have been very interested in theology. It is motivated by a desire to know the God of the Bible more closely and continually fed by the rewards as each treasure of truth is uncovered. I find that the glory and awesomeness of God becomes better understood and realized through learning the theology of the Christian faith.

So Jenn and I have also sought to be a part of a church that also believes in teaching theology and bringing back theology into the life of the church members. However, at the same time, I’ve been slightly troubled by the thought that perhaps theology is really not all too good for reaching out to unchurched people. However, recently I found an article on the 9 Marks website that is very encouraging. People are actually more interested in theology than we might think.

Many churches assume that people cannot hear the Word of God or a gospel message that has any theological words in it. So they downplay it. But the results of some important research among formerly unchurched people who then came to church are shocking. When these individuals were asked what they liked about the church, ninety-odd percent said that what was preached was important to them. And almost 90 percent said that they wanted to know what the church believed. They wanted to hear its doctrine. Now that is just the reverse of what the common outreach approach assumes. It assumes people don?t want to know. In actual fact, those who want to come into the church do want to know.

Actually, I am one of those unchurched people not too long ago and I am a testimony of an unchurched person who became very interested in theology. I became interested to the point that I felt the local church is simply lacking in it’s dedication to providing new believers with the instruction and growth in theological understanding that I desired. They seem more preoccupied with community and doing a bunch of cool things that entertain and thrill our senses. Our old church is still chasing after the leadership of Willow Creek, which is more of a model of dumbing down the church and marketing it to look cool and hip.

Check out their latest leadership summit which is supposed to equip leaders in the church. When the apostles wrote letters to the early churches for training, it’s filled with rich biblical truths and theology. Now consider the Willow Creek Leadership summit schedule . It’s filled with worldly talk about how to create strategy and maximize your potential. Most of the speakers are not even model leaders in the church. You have an an HP executive , a Gallup Poll employee, Collin Powell, a Harvard Strategy Professor, a film / screenwriter, and Jimmy Carter. There are only 2 guests other than Bill Hybels who have a background in the church.

In contrast, look at the recent Ligonier National Conference, featuring John MacArthur, Al Mohler, John Piper, R.C. Sproul, and Ravi Zacharias. And look at the recent John Piper Design God conference with David Wells, Don Carson, Tim Keller, Mark Driscoll, Voddie Baucham, and John Piper. These are figures of Christian leadership and teaching that we should be looking to for training and teaching in our day.

I think the leadership at 9 Marks has it right and is a more appropriate biblical model for churches to follow. They also have the support of many of the most respected Christian pastors and teachers of our nation. I encourage all of you to take a look at 9marks and if you are a member of a church, encourage your church leadership to learn from the people at 9marks. If you are not a church member, I encourage you to find a church through the 9 marks website. We found an excellent local church that is dedicated to returning the church back to it’s biblical roots and I agree that it’s been much better for both me and my families spiritual growth.

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