
4th of July Parade

This year we actually made it to the parade before it started. The past couple years we sorta just showed up when we showed up. But when you have to get everyone dressed, sunscreened, and cart everyone to the parade you might as well get there on time. This time we parked right behind some new friends that happened to visit West Hills church some weeks ago. They were considering going to West Hills church and then we happen to park right behind them. We plan on meeting up with them again too.

Here’s a photo of the family at the parade.

Here’s a photo of one of our new friends kids. The daughter is in the background and the mother is right behind her. The father is just off the picture on the right.

We actually had a very good spot right in front of the announcement booth, so we heard a description of everything that was in the parade. We learned things about the parade that we never knew. For example, this guy on the horse we see every year, but we never knew that he get top awards in various shows and he’s wearing a traditional Mexican outfit and looks forward to being in this parade every year. He’s been doing this for a long time too. I think it was something like 15-20 years.

You can see the entire gallery here.
Click Here for the 4th of July Parade Gallery


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