
America on Losing Path

Perhaps you’ve heard the warnings or just intuitively known. America is on a losing path with respect to the global economy. Now a comprehensive report and proposal has been drafted and set before Congress.

America is on a losing path in the global front of science and technology. This is not just related to the outsourcing that we have seen, but it’s related to the huge increase in highly educated people in other countries and the decline of the quality of highly educated workers in the United States. The report was commissioned by Congress and created by a committee of science and technology professionals. It can be downloaded for free from the National Academic Press website.


Norman Augustine, a retired chariman and CEO of Lockheed Martin Corporation testified before Congress. EETimes times had the following information about his testimony…

Augustine, who chairs a national committee on prospering in the global economy, told the House of Representatives Committee on Science, that “America faces a serious and intensifying challenge with regard to its future competitiveness and standard of living. Further, we appear to be on a losing path.”

Augustine’s committee of 20 national science, technology, business, and policy experts unanimously agree that the situation calls urgently for action.

“Without quality jobs, our citizens will not have the purchasing power to support the standard of living which they seek, and to which many have become accustomed; tax revenues will not be generated to provide for strong national security and healthcare; and the lack of a vibrant domestic consumer market will provide a disincentive for either U.S. or foreign companies to invest in jobs in America,” he warned.

He cited projections from Goldman Sachs analysts indicating that, in about a decade, 80 percent of the world’s middle-income consumers will live in nations that are not considered industrialized now.

Some biblical scholars have predicted that America will not be a world power in the end times, perhaps they are right. However, more often than not, predictions about the end times often prove to be false as each generation of preachers passes. Nevertheless, the United States of America has a rocky road ahead. We need to train our children to become educated, talented members in science and technology if we are to remain a comptetive and thriving country in the world economy.


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