
Attending West Hills Community Church

We started attending a church in Morgan Hill called West Hills Community Church. They are a biblically minded church with their foundation in the inerrant Word of God. They are also only 10 minutes away! This is quite a blessing compared to the 30 minute drive we were making to Grace Presbyterian. West Hills attracted us in a number of ways…

They adhere to conservative orthodox beliefs in their statement of faith. Each Sunday is filled with Expository preaching, feeding us God’s word. The teaching is passionate, encouraging , well organized and informative. They have a church building with Sunday school for all ages. The nursery is staffed by volunteers who are also members of the Church. The church resources links point to many of my favorite preachers and teachers. Christian Zorio, the associate pastor is trained from John MacArthur’s Master’s Seminary and the senior pastor, a John Piper fan, delivers excellent sermons that display a passion for God much like John Piper.

Jenn, Matthew and I are really starting to feel that this may be our Church home. We will miss all our friends from Grace Presbyterian although we will probably continue to attend the Grace Presbyterian small group on Tuesday’s until our friendships and community at West Hills picks up. We will continue to keep you all up to date.

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