
Bumbo Dangers

That very popular little infant seat called the Bumbo is getting news coverage because several parents have already experienced serious injury with their infants. It happens when the seat is placed on a high surface like a counter top or a table. The child shift his or her weight around enough to cause the seat to tip over and the infant falls to the floor. In one, case the child was airlifted to have critical surgery performed on his skull which cracked into several pieces.

Early when using the seat I noticed the prominent warning printed on the seat which says not to use it on raised surfaces. This makes sense considering the unpredictable movements on children. Would you trust your child up high in one of these spongy little seats? It is very tempting to try it since the seat is so small it easily fits on a counter top. Even the advertisements on the product box show the children on raised surfaces. When they are very young, it doesn’t seem like they will get out. But it’s not long before they become comfortable with the seat and figure things out, including how to tip it over. If the seat is up high, your child may fall to the floor and breaks his head or neck.

We used to put the seat on our counter tops when Matthew was very young. Thank God he hadn’t fallen. After hearing these horror stories, you can bet that we aren’t going to put Claire up high in this thing.

Check out a full news story on ABC news.

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