
Church Loan Funded

Our church, Church on the Hill, funded a $2.3 million loan in order to make some much needed changes.

  • $1.5 Million - Pay off an existing loan that was used for building the Achiever Christian School.
  • $500,000 - For replacing the heating / air conditioning unit
  • $250,000 - For an athletic field using state-of-the-art turf instead of live grass.
  • $56,000 - For Children’s Ministry remodeling.

The proposal to fund the changes using a loan was presented by the lead pastor and staff to everyone in the church. They arranged small group meetings to present that plans so that small groups would have a chance to ask questions and have discussion. The church later voted over 90% approval to fund the loan.

Our current heating and air conditioning unit is over 35 years old. It is running at only 20% of it’s original intended strength because it is on it’s last leg. It was also originally intended to run for around 4-6 hours a day
to provide heating and air conditioning for a 24 hour period. However, since it’s only running at 20% strength, they need to run it 24 hours in order to heat or cool the building. During the hot summer days, the monthly electricity bill ran as high as $10,000 for a single month. The new air conditioning unit will be far more efficient. Because of the savings, the new air conditioning unit will almost pay for itself.

The school has lacked an athletic field since inception. Children are forced to play athletic games on a black top parking lot. You know this means lots of scrapped knees and crying children. There have been many prospective member to the church that wanted to join because of the school, but were discouraged at the lack of a sports field. With this new field, we can satisfy the existing students, and have the potential to attract more families to our church.

Finally, the children ministries haven’t had a remodeling or investment in many years. Meanwhile, there are increasingly more and more families with young children. And since we have a young senior pastor, there will potentially be more young families joining our church. In response to these factors, they are funding $56,000 for updates to the children’s ministries.

In order to pay for the loan, it is critical that the church members put it a full tithe and give to the best of their abilities. Jenn and I have stepped up our giving and based on last month’s givings, the overall church giving has gone up 24%. These changes to our church are exciting and we hope that more people will come to join our church, worshipping God and gaining a saving faith in Jesus Christ. Please keep us in your prayers. Pray that the current church members will support these changes and pray that God will bring more people to our church. We have seating for nearly 2,000 people for a single service. There’s an entire upper balcony that can be filled. Please
pray that God will fill it.

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