
Claire 9 Week Doctor Visit

Claire has nearly doubled her birth weight and added 2 inches to her height. This makes her in the 75th percentile for her height and weight. This means that she is both taller and heavier than 75 percent of the babies out there of her same age. The doctor was very impressed, commenting that Jenn must have some very good milk. Of course, God is first to thank for the healthy blessings we have. Secondly I thought about how we have been eating organic meat and milk. There has been research lately that speaks of how the grass-fed, organic dairy and meat is higher in beneficial fatty acids, which are found more abundantly in mothers milk. So Jenn’s milk may actually be higher in beneficial fat due to the consumption of organic milk and meat. Your standard milk in the supermarkets are from cows that are fed genetically modified corn. The milk from these cows have less of these beneficial fatty acids. More proof that God knew what he was doing when he designed cows to eat grass.

We took this photo of her on a quilt that Moma Lynn made especially for her. Click here to see more of these photos in the gallery.

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