Claire and the Prior Owner

Claire is just starting to spend a little time every now and then in her little play center. She doesn’t really grab for much. She sorta just sits in there, leaning to the side and looking around. I think she like the upright position because she’ll happily stay there looking around without much fuss.

The girl in the background is Annie, she’s actually the previous owner of this contraption. It was graciously donated to Claire by her mother and father, Jill and Brian, who visited on this evening for chili and cornbread. We concluded this evening with Matthew’s busted and bloody mouth incident and lots of John Deere tractor videos. Brian happened to be a big tractor fan, so it was some good boyish fun. Sorry no photos of Matthew bloody mouth, we were too busy trying to wash his mouth out to see if his tooth was broken off or just a broken lip. He just cut his lip.

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