Claire’s Birth

Claire arrived 4:44pm on Thursday, June 14th. We arrived at the hospital at 2pm after Jenn’s water suddenly broke at home. When we arrived at the hospital she was only at 4cm, which is not very far along. Even the nurse was expecting Jenn to be more towards 8cm. So we were expecting a long and hard labor and Jenn was contemplating getting an Epidural for pain. However, shortly after 4pm things started to change rapidly. At around 4:30 Jenn began pushing and only moments later at 4:44pm Claire was out! The midwife described it as a textbook perfect birth! Apparently they are very rare. And to think we were expecting a long and laborious birth!

Things afterwards went equally as smooth. With Matthew there was some struggle getting him to latch properly. This had cause Jenn’s nipples to be sore and feeding to be very painful. However, Claire was immediately an excellent feeder and made it very easy on Jenn. Claire is such a strong sucker that between feeding she’ll suck on her hand so hard that she sounds like a little pig.

Since things went so well and Claire passed all her tests, we only stayed in the hospital for the minimum 24 hours. We thank God for a smooth birth and a healthy beautiful baby girl.

I placed some photos of our experience online, including photos before the birth, during, and after. Click Here to see the photos


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  1. .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) says:

    Hey Jen and Rob, Claire is absolutely BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!!!! I can’t imagine what it must be like to hold such a tiny little baby. I hope Hadassah is that small when she comes.  My midwife said one day in serious but jokingly tone that a small baby comes out alot easier than a fat one. So keep your fingers crossed, but I’ll take her anyway I can get her. Claire’s face is so prettty she looks like she is smilling at you in this picture. Congratulations on such a beautiful angel and by the way, ya’ll should keep having babies because you 2 are good at it, both Matthew and Claire are beautiful children.

  2. .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) says:

    Hey yall! I am SO SO happy for you! Claire is BE-U-Ti-FUL!!! Matthew is going to be a great big brother.
    I love yall and can’t wait to meet Claire!
    miss you
    Misty Jo





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