
Coffee Killers

Once again, large corporations are making a big profit at the expense of the poor farmers. Do you drink Starbucks, Nescafe, Folgers, Maxwell House or any of the other major brands? You money is likely going towards funding a large corporation at the expense of some poor farmers in an already poor country.

Read a full article on MSNBC: Click Here

There is a way to stop this madness. “Fair trade” labeled coffee is one way, and there is also a program called the “Cup of Excellence” that provides a way for connecting coffee farmers directly to the roasters and coffee houses all around the world. The programs literally change the lives of farmers and the communties around these farmers. To learn more about Cup of Excellence, Click Here

I purchase my coffee from a roaster in Santa Rosa that purchases Cup of Excellence coffees and has relationships with the farmers. He’s an awesome roaster of very delicious coffee, Andrew Barnett at Ecco Caffe Click Here.

There are a number of other Cup of Excellence coffee roasters. If you want me to look one up in your area, drop me an email.


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