
Discovery Museum

Since the kids were so well behaved at the torturous motor vehicle show, we treated them to some time at the Children’s Discovery Museum. We now have a family pass that allows us to bring guests, so call my wife if you are interested in a play-date at the Discovery Museum. It is nice to be able to drop-in at the Discovery Museum without having to drop $40 for entrance fees. We can simply stop-in for an hour or two and leave; I think it’s a good deal if you have young kids.

They like this good ol’ fashion firetruck much better than any of the high-tech vehicles at the motor vehicle show; they can climb and touch it to their heart’s content.

The Children’s Discovery Museum features different exhibits; this is the circles exhibit with a circular boat. They provide the hats and scarves and oars so the kids can pretend.

This pretend pizzeria is the last place for most people. Usually you’ll find exhausted adults littering the sides of the room while the kids busily work at creating and serving pizzas. Matthew took a liking to serving this young boy. It’s fun to see them immerse themselves in this pretend-work atmosphere. Some of the kids are very professionally taking orders, preparing food, and serving as if they are are actually working. Click here to see all the photos in the gallery.

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