
Fisher Price Step and Play

We had been planning to wait for Christmas to get Matthew one of those exersaucers. Actually my mother was wanting to get it for him. However, the more I thought about it, the more I realized that now is really the best time to get it. He’s at the perfect age to enjoy it, so it’s better that we get our moneys worth out of it.

Saturday morning we browsed through craigslist and found a used Fisher Price Step and Play for sale. The woman had used it for 6 months with her daughter and it worked perfectly. Fisher Price has discountinued this model, but new these things go for $100. We picked it up for $40. She was only 10 minutes away, so we hopped in the truck and drove over to see it.

Matthew immediately liked the Step and Play. It allowed him to walk across the keys and explore all the different toys on it. The floorboard has keys that actually sound a note or start musical songs when stepped on. The music seems to amuze him and put a smile on his face. There’s a rattle that he loves to grab and stick in his mouth, there’s keys for him to pound on, and there’s other little trinkets that grab his interest. There’s even a miniture trumpet that make sounds when shaken.

The Step and Play is not like other exersaucers out there. It allows him to slide back and forth and walk a bit. Other people claim it lasts a little longer because kids are amuzed by the musical intruments. When he gets too old for the seat, we can lift it out and he can freely walk into it and play with the step keys and keyboard.


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  1. .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) says:

    I know that people from the south are some times thought to be prejudice, i do not believe that to be true. but when i look at the picture of my grandson, i know that i am, i think he is the most beautiful little baby boy in the whole world. and i know of a lady in cal.that will agree with me. right lori?





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