Fit Kids and Adults

I just started reading a book called Fit Kids. It has a wealth of good information and advice on choosing the right foods for your kids. Fortunately, the correct food choices for kids are also good for adults! This is actually very motivating for me because I’m actually more motivated to make good food choices for my son Matthew than I am for myself. But the ironic thing is, I’m actually the one who needs the better food choices now. (I’m on Vytorin to help lower my cholesterol).

Anyways, it mentions that sugar and salty foods actually have a stimulating effect on our appetite and trick our body into wanting more. No kidding!  rolleyes

Recommendations: Eat “Real Foods”. The book points for us to eat real fruit, vegetables and whole grain foods. The fiber in real foods helps us have a healthy appetite. Our bodies will recognize that it’s satisfied.

There’s more and more good information in this book. I recommend it to anyone. I’ll post more helpful information as we read more. Please add any of your tidbits of healthy wisdom.

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