Flickr to SmugMug

My membership expired with Flickr and I decided to switch to using SmugMug for online photos. I’ve always like SmugMug more than Flickr, but when I looked at them a year ago, they had a slower interface and lacking organizational features for arranging photos in an album. Now, they have improved the interface so that it is much faster, and they’ve added the arranging tools that were missing.So from now, on you’ll see most of the photos appearing on SmugMug. It will take some time, but I do plan to move many of the photo’s you see on Flickr onto SmugMug.

If you want to joing SmugMug, use the following discount code and my email address and you’ll get $5 off the price.

email: [email protected]
coupon code: t621gQWrqaGBk

Viewed 3786 times


  1. recruitmentwalk says:

    thanks to your website.





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