
Friday Nights with the Neighbors

Our neighbors have been getting together on Friday nights for drinks, snacks, and fun. There’s probably a total of 6 or 7 families that have been bringing themselves and their kids to these informal gatherings. They’re usually not anything elaborate. People bring what they want and stay as long as they wish. The first time we were invited to one of these, two of the fathers were playing music. One playing acoustic guitar and harmonic, yes both instruments simultaneously! He would also switch to keyboard at time. And the other was playing electric guitar. After about ten minutes of watching, I mentioned playing trumpet and couldn’t resist going back to my house to get my trumpet. It was a lot of fun playing together. We mainly played popular songs.

Here’s a video that another neighbor had filmed and placed on You Tube. Be warned, I’m a bit out of practice and a little rough around the edges. And keep in mind we had no prior practicing of these songs. It’s completely impromptu but still enough to get some people dancing! Click Here

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