Grilled Cheese for Lunch

A slice of life on a Christmas season Saturday

Here's a photo of my wife Jenn and daughter Calire this Christmas season on a both leisurely and busy Saturday. Claire is enjoying a grilled cheese, prepared by my my wife Jenn, who is in the background preparing hers. The Christmas tree is framed by the doorway into our living room and you can also see other significant bits of our life: the dogs bowls in the bottom left, the espresso machine which jumpstarts every day with espresso, the outdated and cluttered kitchen, which works just fine, the photo board to the right, which is reguarly updated with prints. 

I've never enjoyed taking photos more than with my latest camera, a Leica M10. Looking through that optical rangefinder is wonderful. It allows me to see real life rather than looking at the electronic version on an iPhone screen or the electric viewfinder of so many of the latest cameras. Framing can sometimes be challenging, as I've always had a zoom lens with a wide angle, but now I look for ways to layer elements, and include portions of objects instead of the entire object. In some ways my photography has taken a step back (such as quickness and nailing focus), but in other ways it's taking a stride forward. And I'm capturing bits of life that normally don't get captured or appreciated. 

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