
I want to learn Greek and Hebrew!

I’ve long had a desire to learn the original language of the Bible. There was a crash course that came into town; it would have cost $250. I signed up for it, but they canceled it due to lack of students. I could learn on my own, but it seems very difficult, and who will correct me! I could enroll at Cornerstone seminary, they provide several years of Greek and Hebrew to train their students; but I would have to drive 2 hours every week and stay at a hotel. On the other hand, I’ll have a master’s degree and will be ready for full-time ministry; I just don’t feel at the moment that in God’s providence He wants me to do that. He certainly has arranged for me to be in a house with a mortgage that takes an engineer’s salary to pay.

Today Logos announced 15 hours of videos for learning how to study the Greek and Hebrew using Logos software tools. I looked at the intro video and this would sound strange if I didn’t give you a little background, but I got a little choked up. I really want to learn the original languages, and this looks good to me.

Learn Biblical Greek and Hebrew with Logos Bible Software

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