
Is it a Baby or Just Tissue?

It’s amazing how far people will go to suppress the obvious truth that when mommy and daddy have sex, a baby begins developing in the womb. In our age of science and technology we have gained knowledge but sometimes this knowledge just makes our excuses more complex so the people actually think their well constructed lies are the truth. Here’s the truth, a developing fetus is a human being! Eventually, becoming an adult like the rest of us! It doesn’t become just a collection of tissue, or blood cells or a tumor. Somehow this obvious truth is still denied by even the most intelligent doctors, lawyers and judges. I guess you can say they have made their foolishness clear and plain for all to see. The New York courts echo the stupidity and ignorance of the obvious in a latest ruling declaring that doctors aren’t required to tell their patients that it’s a baby in their womb. They don’t want women to know the truth, because they want women to have a CHOICE to kill their baby without any moral feeling of guilt. Read this section of the article.

Mrs. Acuna, now 40, said in court proceedings that when she was in the early stages of pregnancy in 1996, she had asked Dr. Turkish “if it was the baby in there” and that Dr. Turkish had replied, “Don’t be stupid, it’s only blood.”

According to court papers, Dr. Turkish denied having made such a statement, adding that he probably told her that a “seven-week pregnancy is not a living human being,” but rather that it “is just tissue at this time.”

Mrs. Acuna had an abortion, and several weeks later went to the hospital after experiencing bleeding. She said that only after a nurse told her that “the doctor had left parts of the baby inside” did she realize it “was a baby and not just blood” inside her.

Of course, you can also blame her for not knowing the obvious. It’s a baby in there. But look at what the doctors, courts and lawyers want to tell you about your developing baby. “It’s just tissue.” What a lie!

Click here to read the entire New York Times Article.

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  1. .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) says:

    Every parent wants to make their kids future better an secure in that purpose they are doing the many things for their children. Therefore all the kids do the ivory research on their parent’s demand and live a happy life.





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