
Jenn’s Photos

Photos by Jenn Lombardi in and around November 2009

Here’s a collection of photos from Jenn’s little point and shoot camera. It covers a couple months up to November 2009.

Since Apple doesn't support flash, the cool Gallery Slideshow is likely blank if you are viewing on an iPhone or iPad. So click the beautifully cryptic link below.


Gallery Slideshow

Hover your mouse over the slideshow to see the navigation arrows; you can also use the thumbnails for navigation. Click the arrows or thumbnails to navigate.

If you wish to order a photo, download a photo, or view other galleries, click on the photo to go directly to the photo gallery on Smugmug.

Viewed 6388 times


  1. .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) says:

    great pictures!!! i never knew you and matthew were in a band wink

  2. Rob says:

    Hehe. Yeah, he would love to be in a band. He actually prefers the drums, but you can imagine what daily life would be like for Jenn if he had a drum set.





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