
Library Grand Opening

We Are Enjoying 34 New Books

Went to the South San Jose Santa Teresa Library Grand Opening. The library opened with all new books. It was amazing. Literally, every single book in sight was brand new. This evening we looked over at Claire reading one of her books to find her taking stickers out of the book and sticking them to the cover. Normally library books don’t have stickers in them! These were very new and Claire was on it. We let her keep the stickers, but we peeled them off the cover and put them on the train table.

By God’s providence we were there at the same time as Dianne Carlo and kids. Lance and Matthew borrowed the same Firetruck picture book. I found Richard Dawkin’s God Delusion, Mark Driscoll’s Religion saves, and a few very new computer books. Jenn found some cooking books on cupcakes and soups.

There was so many people and the lines were plenty long. The people in line with us had so many books that they were finding surfaces to place their books on as they waited in line. They encouraged everyone around them to do the same: it was funny. We held onto our books because we had settled into a comfortable hold on them, and we knew the line was going to keep moving.

When we first entered the store we ran into another neighborhood mom that Jenn knows. While in line we saw Nate and his son quickly walk buy, we said hi and they were taken back for a second at the size of the line. A few people in front of us was another family that we vaguely recognized but could not remember from where we remembered her; we kept staring and staring, but just couldn’t remember.

What a nice library visit. We thought it would be too busy to bother, but it actually turned out to be a fun time.

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  1. Mary Beth says:

    Man!  Sounds like fun.  We keep missing out on these library grand opening parties.  Oh well. 80)

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