Lombardi Bunnies

Totoro and Lulu

We've had these cute bunnies for around a month now. They eat and poop constantly, and you would think that this description would make them a nuisance, but they are so cute to watch that I quickly forget how messy they are. 

This first photo is from the first days with them, they were as tiny as a mouse. The strands of hay seem larger than the bunnies.

We bought them at Easter time, which is a very popular time when people buy bunnies. The cousins had a great time playing with the bunnies in their Easter outfits. 

They are a different experience to hold. They can be soft and quiet creatures.

They can also be very curious, exploring the various nooks and crannies. They love to hide underneath the bookcases or the couches. 

Sometime they seem to be making themselves at home, kicking back like the rest of us. 

Other times we set them out in the backyard and they spend a considerable amount of time eating the grass, running and jumping around.

Each morning we let them out into the dining area. They come running to my feet at the sound of their treat bag, and they love to run around on the hard wood floors. They especially like a mat in front of the back door, where they jump, sprint and twist. 

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