
Matthew Dedication

We dressed Matthew for the first time in a cute jean overall outfit that was given to us by our dear friends Alejandra and Raul. This was a special day for us. We stood before our church, Jenn and I along with other families. We were on stage with the lights on us. It was definitely a new feeling to be on the stage. It’s like walking off the couch and into the television set. I know it’s just our stage at our home Church. But somehow it felt like I was on television with all those lights and camera on us. The stage has monitors that you can look down onto and see yourself. I looked up at the large projection screens at one point to see myself looking up at the screens! The pastor speaks into a wireless microphone, his voice is filling the entire room. Jenn and I stood their to confirm our dedication to raising Matthew to be a man of God. We vowed to do our best to teach him about the God of the Bible and guide him in the wise ways of God. Church on the Hill also vowed to help out; teaching and guiding Matthew to know and love God. Thank you God, and all the faithfull believers at Church on the Hill

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