
Matthew Learns to Catch Flies

As strange as it sounds, our son has aquired a skill treasured by the Chinese. You might have seen the characters in the Karate Kid movie trying to catch flies with chopsticks as a test of agility and mastery. Matthew didn’t use chop sticks, but he did use his bare hands!

Jenn called me just as I arrived at work to tell me that our son has caught a fly.  big surprise Apparently he was following it around the house for a while. Jenn had told him not to touch it because it’s dirty. Of course, Matthew couldn’t resist to follow this fly on it’s journey around the house. The fly landed somewhere, giving Matthew enough time to walk up and grab it. I was waiting to hear that he had put it in his mouth like our dog Sayrah. Thankfully, our courteous little boy kindly turned and handed it to Jenn.

Oh the suprises of parenthood!  LOL

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