
Moma Lynn and Kids

We had a great time visiting Moma Lynn last in August. Here’s a favorite of Moma Lynn holding Matthew. He’s trying to bounce out of her lap, but she’s faithfully holding him.

We took a walk one day and I had Paige and Cheyenne come running at the camera. It was something to have a little fun and also get a good picture of them. Many times, Cheyenne is trying to run from the camera. So it was nice to make it fun for her to run at the camera.

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  1. southerntrain says:

    OH MY GOSH!!!! You forgot the best part! LOL! Who was making that boy laugh like that!? LOL!
    UNCLE JARED! I drove him into a laughing fit! I loved it!

  2. southerntrain says:

    He’s the cutest baby in the whole world! I don’t think I could have one that beautiful! LOL! That my boy Matthew! yep! about another two years and Uncle Train is going to have him hooked on those Veggietales!

  3. Rob says:

    Well, that’s not the whole story… You had Matthew laughing for nearly ten minutes straight with your “I’m gonna get you routine”! The both of you were so exhausted that by thte time I took this picture I had to do a little work to get a smile out of him again. You’re right though, it was pretty hliarious. I think I recorded ten minutes of it on video. If I can, I’ll post a little video snippet of it on this site.  LOL

  4. .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) says:

    I think I remember hearing him LAUGHING so hard he began passing gas or needed his diaper changed,But that is how it is when you are around Jared.

  5. southerntrain says:

    He was HORSE LAUGHING! ask mom and Jenn! I had him rolling! He knows “whose gonna get him!” LOL!
    His Uncle Jared Loves that boy. I called yesterday to talk and J-Beth let me talk to him and he was talking back to me…it was so cute! except I didn’t understand a word. LOL!





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