
More Young People Farming

The raised awareness of the need for sustainable, locally grown, organic food has steadily risen and consumers are increasingly looking for ways to buy it. In my own personal experience our local farm, Live Earth Farm, is booked solid for the season. People at work are regularly talking about the subject in the lunch room. Organic grocers such as Whole Foods are opening in more and more locations. The largest Whole Foods in the country is supposed to open in 2008 only a few miles from out house. Local traditional supermarkets are featuring fruit and vegetables that are locally farmed and have a section for organic foods. There are definitely positive changes happening locally.

Nationally, the Boston Globe reports that there are more and more young people entering into the farming programs at the colleges. Half the young people didn’t even grow up on a farm. And there’s even people leaving careers to become farmers! This is very encouraging for the future of food in our country. Click here to read the entire article.

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