Oktoberfest at the Becks

Our German Neighbors

Spending the evening at the Becks was a special treat. The Becks are our German neighbors who celebrated Oktoberfest on September 28th, 2013. There were lots of familiar faces from the neighborhood and swim team, and then there were some people that we had the priviledge of meeting that night.

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Of course, Claire did not resist going to this adultish party. Her good friend Fancisca is nearly always there to help her find creative and fun ways to by silly.

And what boy can resist a treehouse? Can you find him in this photo?

As night fell, the lights around us brought a warm glow, as well as the home made Schnapps from Bernanrd's mother in Germany. 

By this time Matthew had so much fun eating sweets that he had ejected some and went home. But I stayed to enjoy more yummy sweets.

It's special things like this that make our neighborhood a wonderful place ot live. Thank you Becks!

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