
Pandemic Threat

The government is now recommending that the public stock up on the basics in case of a pandemic!

WebMD posted the article Flu Pandemic Guide: Stock Up on Basics citing that the federal government is recommending this action. The article goes into some detail about what to stock up on. It also discusses the notice from the federal government. There are some critics to this notice.

UPDATE: I checked on the Center for Disease Control (CDC) website and also check on the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). I found that what was really released was a preparedness document to help families prepare in the even of a pandemic. This is one of a number of actions that government has been doing in light of the fact that we aren’t really prepared. Click here for the HHS Press Release

You can download the Pandemic Preparedness document and the Family Info document from here. If you click directly on the link, it will open in your browser. You can also right click the link and “Save Target As…” to your computer.


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