
Pee and Poop outside the diaper

I picked Matthew up to discover that he had pee’d enough to wet the diaper and make his blanket and bassinet a little wet. So I brought him over to the bed to change his diaper. Everything was going fine until I noticed a new look on Matthew’s face. As I look at him, he looks back at me, but I notice a stream of pee flying past his head and completely onto the other side of the bed! I called for Jenn to come and check out the long distance wet spot he made. She came with a towel to wipe it up and as she was wiping it up, he began to pee on her arm. Jenn screamed as her arm was being washed with Matthew’s pee. Simultaneously, he started pooping all over the changing pad. I thought it would be wise to block the stream of pee with the old diaper, but this just made a puddle of poop and pee underneath Matthew! He didn’t seem to be bothered by any of this. And most of the time this was happening, Jenn and I were laughing histerically. I wish I had a picture to show you, but I don’t. Our hands were full. So here’s a photo of Matthew and I.

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  1. .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) says:

    Pampers are the kids wear which is wear as the under garments on the kids body to prevent the peep dropping on the other person. The lambordi spot is presenting the full length article on the peep write my resume and poop outside pamper is trouble creating.





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