
Read the Puritans

One wonderful thing that happens when becoming a Christian is that you join a body of believers that spans centuries of time. There are now approximately 2000 years where Christians have walked the same path towards a closer and deeper relationship with the God who sent His Son Jesus Christ to be our Savior. Throughout these years, God has raised men with extraordinarily gifts to teach. Although many of them have passed away since then, they have left their writings. However, their writing will be of no benefit to us unless someone publishes them. Fortunately, R.C. Sproul formed a publishing company called Reformation Trust and he also purchase Soli Deo Gloria publication and is continuing to keep some of these writing in circulation. In particular, he is republishing some of the great puritan writers. He has a very fascinating article that overviews the reasons to read the Puritans and he also published a book which is a guide to the Puritans.

Click here to read why to read the Puritans.

Click Here for the Book titled “Meet the Puritans”

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