
Snowing Downtown

During the Christmas season downtown San Jose has their Christmas in the Park. Jenn and I didn’t always go every year, but now that Matthew is at an age that he can enjoy it, we go every year. Last year he didn’t really care for the snow blowing machine, he way mainly trying to figure out how to get into the carnival rides. This time the snow blowing machine was his favorite. The snow comes from a machine that’s decoratively hidden between 2 flat wood animals (horses if I remember correctly), mounted on a park light pole. It projects a rotating snowflake onto the ground and the snow blows out periodically. The kids will often be coincidentally walking by when the snow blows and instinctively come running and crowding the area as the snow falls. When Matthew was younger, I think the chaos of the older kids jumping around him and overtaking him was a little too scary for him to enjoy it. Now, he seems to do much better.

We also took a few photos preparing them for the night. It was really funny to see Claire in the same outfit that Matthew once wore not too long ago.

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