
Soldier Down

Matthew was in the heat of battle when he was tripped by the enemy and fell to the ground. The outfit he’s wearing is a one of a kind camoflauge outfit made by Moma Lynn in Alabama. The pants are reversible, with trucks, etc on the other side.
More Photos of Matthew in His Camo

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  1. .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) says:

    rolleyes Where’s Matthew????

  2. .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) says:

    The socks go great with the camo!  “Rambo Matthew”

  3. Rob says:

    Thanx for the comments, I would like to let everyone know that Matthew is going for a tour of duty on Monday evening. Our mission is at Church on the HIll. We’ll be raiding the food stands and doing surveillance on all the games that are going on.

  4. southerntrain says:

    He’s ready to hunt! Matthew is the futer “christian version” of Austin Powers!  YEAH BABY!

  5. southerntrain says:

    I meant to say future! LOL!

  6. Rob says:

    hmmm Emphasis on “christian version”  wink





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