

Jenn tells me that Matthew loves to watch the Tele-Tubbies. Yes, that strange show that makes little sense to adults is perfect sense to Matthew. We mentioned this to our Bible study group and they were quick to point out how one of the Tele-Tubbies is apparently a gay character. Some people have gone so far as to ban Tele-Tubbies as entertainment for their child. This is understandable behavior. But from a practical view, this doesn’t make much sense. Heck, we paid for our cable television and this program is providing Matthew with some reasonable stimulation and occupying his time while Jenn is able to do some housework, etc. Let’s get real here, Matthew is not at an age that he is going to understand that the gay character exist. He’s not going to subconciously gain a sexual preference from a “supposedly gay” tele-tubby. I think it’s just paranoia to be afraid of this “gay” tele-tubby.

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