
Wells of Consolation

A Gleaning from Spurgeon’s Sermon: “The Root of the Matter”

The man who is sound in the faith, and who understands the higher and sublimer doctrines of divine revelation, will have wells of consolation which the less instructed cannot know. (Vol. 9: Spurgeon’s Sermons, “The Root of the Matter”)

an important doctrine for providing comforting assurance

Spurgeon goes onto to point to the doctrine of election as not essential, but is one such example of a doctrine which provides “wells of consolation” —I heartily agree. Yes, I’m a Calvinist like Spurgeon; I certainly don’t think it’s a test of faith, but I find it an important doctrine for providing comforting assurance for the believer and correcting errors in regards to the sovereignty and holiness of God.

Studying the “higher and sumblimer” doctrines are challenging, but I’ve found the reward to be so great that I have developed a bit of an addiction to digging deeper and discovering these treasures. Sometimes people may think that I’m just trying to be right all the time, or act like a know-it-all, but the reality is, I find “wells of consolation” and wish to share it with others.

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