This last week an esteemed brother minister was telling me that, in speaking to a man who professed to have been converted, he asked him which sin remained as a load upon his mind. “Well,?” said the man, “I have to see after cows, and I have often beaten the cows very badly.” “What do you do now?” “Oh, I coax them instead of beating them.” Now, I have no doubt, that in his peculiar calling, cruelty to animals would be most strikingly laid upon his conscience, but the pastor had to say to him, “Yes, quite so; but the great sin in your fault is, that the cows are God’s creatures, and that he is angry if we treat his creatures unmercifully.?’
Spurgeon (May 16, 1868)


Allan Bibles

I recently got a matching pair of Bibles for Jenn and I. They are made by R.L. Allan, not a well known Bible maker in the U.S., but they do have something of a reputation among those searching for quality made Bibles. The company that makes is in Glasglow Scotland, bound in Highland Goatskin. They look like glowing bricks of gold. I took a few photos.

Click Here to see all the Alan ESV Bible Photos.


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