“Read your Bible from end to end. Read it everyday. Some of you say, “if I read my bible through 5 time in one year I wouldn’t get anything done”. You’re right, you would get a lot less done. But you know what, you just might become the kind of person who in the very few things that you do, would make an everlasting difference in the world.” John Piper


Great Bible Giveaway - July

If you are like my wife, when she sees a premium Bible, she thinks, “I’m not spending over $100 on a Bible!” Now Logos is giving away 72 premium Bibles over the next 6 months. Enter and perhaps you may not need to spend a penny. Here’s their ad about this event:

Logos Bible Software is celebrating the launch of their new online Bible by giving away 72 ultra-premium print Bibles at a rate of 12 per month for six months. The Bible giveaway is being held at Bible.Logos.com and you can get up to five different entries each month! After you enter, be sure to check out Logos and see how it can revolutionize your Bible study.


A Thank You from East India

This year, Compassion International brought some people to see the operations in India. I was invited, but at several thousand dollars, I simply couldn’t afford it at this time. They put a short thank you video together for the sponsors. It is very heart warming and encouraging. I cannot put into words how much sponsoring a child has affected me. I strongly recommend sponsoring a child.


Matthew’s Trombone Request

Matthew has requested a trombone several times. This latest occurrence happened over the cell phone; I often play my trumpet during breaks at work. I had finished playing and called Jenn, who hands the phone over Matthew who wanted to talk to me.

Matthew: What are you doing daddy?

Me: I was playing my trumpet.

Matthew: I want a trombone.

Me: You are too small for a trombone. You need to wait until you get bigger. A trombone is too big for you.

Matthew: I want a small trombone, like on Jack’s Music Show. They have small trombones.

Me: Those are just pretend trombones for fun. They don’t actually play.

Matthew: Trombones are actually made of dirt. Somehow, trombones come from dirt.

Then suddenly a busy signal. I try to call back but Matthew doesn’t answer. Later, Jenn mentions that Matthew couldn’t figure out how to answer the phone when I called back, but he continued to talk as if he was talking to me.

Matthew: I’m sorry daddy. I was waiting for you and I love you and I forgive you.

It sure is wonderful to be forgiven. smile


Tasting But Not Feeding

I’ve been reading the works of John Owen lately and it is difficult reading, but there are many great insights into the Scriptures. I want to share some of the things I’ve been reading, so I’ll post short bits here. Feel free to add comments as you desire.

In this post, John Owen describes the character of an apostate, a person who is said to “taste the good word”, but later they are found to fall away. This is from Heb 6:4-6, and you should be able to mouse over the scripture reference and the scripture will pop-up for you to read.

“When men feed on the word, it is turned into a principle of life, spiritual strength, and growth within; which a taste of it only will not give. As food, when it is digested, turns into flesh and blood and spirits, so doth the word, and Christ therein, unto the souls of men spiritually. Hence Christ becometh “our life,” and “liveth in us,” as the efficient cause of our spiritual life, Gal. 2:20; Col. 3:3; and we grow and increase by the word, 1 Pet. 2:2. A mere taste, though it may yield present refreshment, yet it communicates no abiding strength. Hence multitudes relish the word when it is preached, but never attain life, or strength, or growth by it.” (John Owen, The Works of John Owen vol. 7, 31)


Fourth of July Fireworks

We went to the San Jose fireworks this year. We parked perhaps 1 mile away and walked until we were in front of the Municipal Stadium and surrounded by people. When the fireworks started we could see the spot they were being launched: across the street, over a fence and in the back of the Stadium, perhaps 1/2 a block from where we stood.

Last year Matthew missed the Fireworks, this year he was exuberant. Take a look at the videos. He’s standing a little funny because he’s was sitting on a parking cone. I had to adjust the light level in the video processing program, so it’s a little grainy, but notice where Matthew says, “I love the whole world”. Wow, if only we can all just get a little dose of them fireworks every day, the world would be a better place. wink

If you have a high speed connection, the high quality videos are available for viewing at the link below.
Click here to go to the Video gallery, or play them below.

Matthew and the Fireworks

Part of the Finale

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