“I may be speaking to some who can say, with an emphasis, that they oftentimes find great crops of thistles springing up in their hearts, and they have to keep the sickle of sacred mortification going to cut them down, and they try if possible to dig them up by the roots. But thus it is; you cannot expect a perfect life of happiness in an imperfect world Eke this. No; your Savior carried the cross, and you will have a cross of some kind or other to carry after him. ??Thorns also and thistles shall it bring forth to thee.?? Spurgeon, C. H.


Boxes Are Greater Than the Gift

Especially When You Can Fit Inside Them

Washer Box Camping

We recently purchased a new washer, which has many cool and interesting features. It’s one of those new top loading high energy efficient models with the glass lid that allows you to look down and see the clothes spinning and churning. But for Matthew and Claire the most interesting thing about the new washer is the box that it came in. It is actually big enough for the two of them to sleep in.

This new box stayed in our house for two days or more and this was not the only time that a box has provided so much enjoyment. Recently, Nana Lynn sent Matthew a cool batting toy that automatically grabs the ball and dangles it in front of you to hit; but the box that it came it was the most interesting thing to him. He immediately climbed into the box and sat in it like it was a rocket that could take him to outer space. Of course, later he did love the toy after we had put it together and it was actually doing what it was intended to do. However, that curious fascination and love boxes is also present in our children as that classic and mysterious enjoyment that all children share.