“In the media today, the Christian media, there’s too much triffling with God, too much slapstick, too much triviality. There aren’t enough tears. There isn’t enough seriousness. The Joy has a light silly flavor to it. Not the kind of flavor that out to be there when you have suffered and died with Jesus. We ought to be calling the world to a kind of joy which has tears on it’s face and can walk through dark valleys. Instead of trying to sound like the silly banter of primetime, drive time, world.”
John Piper, “Looking at the Kindness and Severity of God 2

One of Our Favorites Coffee’s

Intelligentsia Coffee

This brand started in Chicago and has made it's presence known worldwide. But only recently have we started serving this at our home. The coffee is incredible and I can write about that later. Meanwhile, enjoy a video that was put together by Magazine B to document the company. I think any coffee lover can appreciate this video.