“In the media today, the Christian media, there’s too much triffling with God, too much slapstick, too much triviality. There aren’t enough tears. There isn’t enough seriousness. The Joy has a light silly flavor to it. Not the kind of flavor that out to be there when you have suffered and died with Jesus. We ought to be calling the world to a kind of joy which has tears on it’s face and can walk through dark valleys. Instead of trying to sound like the silly banter of primetime, drive time, world.”
John Piper, “Looking at the Kindness and Severity of God 2



Brother Anthony Engaged to Lisa

And the Ingredients for a Delicious Cake

Here’s the announcement as it was communicated by email from by brother Anthony this morning:

Guess what!  Lisa and I are engaged!

We just enjoyed the most amazing ice cream cake that I have ever made
... and the only one!  Here’s the list of components, all of which
were homemade:

1. chocolate cake
2. coffee ice cream
3. almond buttercrunch toffee
4. chocolate ice cream
5. hot fudge
6. caramel
7. whipped cream

So I immediately emailed back:

You must be kidding: “we’re engaged, here’s a list of ingredients for a delicious cake”? Can you please elaborate more on the engaged part! Forget the cake!

Was the cake so delicious that Anthony was inspired to marry Lisa? I’ve known cake to be good, perhaps this cake was just blow your mind good that all things, including engagement, pale in comparison. Or maybe the cake helped give Anthony a perspective on life that recognized the importance of enjoying good cake with the person you love. wink

Stay tuned. Certainly more to come.

Update: Juicy Details

Anthony responded:

Haha.  Sorry about that.

It happened at the apartment.  I just wrote the proposal on top of the
cake in chocolate and the ring was sticking up inside the ‘o’ of
‘you’.  I led Lisa to it with her eyes closed.  It was spelled funny
in a way we like to talk to each other for fun and she laughed out
loud when she saw it.

Earlier in the day we went to Giorgio’s since we hadn’t had their
pizza for a while.  That’s always as good as we remember.  After that
we watched a movie called Visioneers on DVD.  It has that guy Zach
Galifianakis from The Hangover in it.  It was a pretty good dark
comedy but we didn’t like the ending.

Fortunately my proposal and the cake saved the day.  Lisa was very
happy and surprised.  We’ll send some pictures soon.

Update: Photos

Mewy MeI’m not expert on marriage proposals, but this is cute, clever and fitting for Anthony and Lisa. They’ve been on a baking trend for a while now. Anthony has a blog that he writes about different baking adventures. There are more photos of the ring, the cake, and Anthony and Lisa in their photo gallery.


Lombardi Spot Redesign

Improved Function, Typography, Design &Organization

The new Lombardi Spot design is online. Jenn has patiently endured my long hours of tweaking away at the computer and finally here it is, a redesigned Lombardi Spot website. This is actually a step towards designing two other websites: Today’s Reformer and Jenntle Spirit. I would love to know what you think of the layout and functionality; especially if you find something that doesn’t work for you. Please feel free to leave a comment here or on Facebook. It’s past 1:00 am now and it’s time to get some sleep! smile

Morning update: If you happen to use Internet Explorer over Firefox on a Windows PC, you might notice some of the jagged edges on the header fonts. Let’s just say that Microsoft, with all the money they get from the sale of their OS, has a horrible browser in comparison to others. The current best all around browser for the Windows OS is Mozilla Firefox—and somehow they are able to do it for free. It has the better font rendering as well as better support for other things such as rounded corners, shadows, and opacity. Also, make sure to update your Firefox to the latest—earlier versions of Firefox will not show the fonts properly.


Something Scary for Holloween

Jenn wanted to share something frightening for Holloween. Turn out the lights, make sure nobody is around and read the attached document.



Connor’s Diving Accident

Recently a young man from our church had a diving accident which has broken his neck. He was diving into area of Hume lake that was too shallow and he hit the bottom and broke his neck. Jenn and I only know him as the drummer we see on Sunday’s in the worship band. His parents are writing daily on a blog and currently I’m glued to reading the day by day trials and sufferings this family is going through. They provide several updates a day, relaying both their physical and spiritual struggles. Please visit their blog, read about their son and pray for them.
Connor’s Blog


Some SmugMug Features

If you visit the new Smug Mug gallery you’ll notice there’s a section called “top 100 photo keywords”. Each photo I uploaded now has keywords tagged to each photo that tell things like who is in the photo and where it was taken. I recently started adding these keywords to each photo within Photoshop. Now, if you want to see all the photos of Claire, you can click on the keyword and all of them will be collected in a gallery for you to view. Also, notice that when you hover your mouse over the keyword, it shows how many photos exist for that keyword. The size and boldness of the keyword also is an indication of how many photos are collected under that keyword.

One other thing, the galleries are now organized into categories and there can also be subcategories. This is basically for organizational purposes to make it easier to navigate through many photos. For example, our families trip to Alabama has so many photos, that it would just be a bit too many for one gallery, so I created a category called Alabama 2007 which you can see from the front page. When you click on this, it will bring you to another page that shows you several galleries from our Alabama 2007 trip. Since there are so many photos, you may not see all of them in one sitting, so this organization of the photos into sub galleries not only makes it easier to go back to where you left off, it also makes it easier for browsing or returning to photos in the future if you want to grab a photo that you know is on there somewhere.

There’s some other cool features of Smug Mug, such as, featured galleries, and most popular photos, but since the Smug Mug interface is new to most of you, and there aren’t that many galleries in there to begin with, I decided to disable those features for now to simplify things.

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