“Coming to Jesus Christ is coming on His terms, not our own. The person who comes to Christ comes in humility, meekness, a needy beggar in spirit who hungers and thirsts for God’s righteousness, who cries for mercy, and is willing to be hated, reviled, and persecuted for the sake of his Lord (Matt. 5:3-12). The Lord may not take away comforts, money, or relationships with others, but all of those things-and everything else besides-must be given over to Him, to do with as He pleases. Otherwise He is not Lord, no matter how much allegiance to Him is professed.” John MacArthur
Announcements,Monday, November 27, 2006
I’m trying out flickr as a place to post photos.
Flickr has some easy ways of uploading photos and making them available in a community / forum type of atmosphere. They provide printing services plus a large upload capacity and very elegant, intuitive and user friendly interface. There’s groups for just about everybody. There’s an SF Bay Area group that even meets occassionally.
I’m starting to post photos there for family and friends. Feel free to browse and comment. There’s a flash based “badge” on the right that shows some photos recently uploaded to flickr. Click on it and it will bring you to my flickr page. Any of the photos I post in an article will also link to the flickr.com album. I’ll also provide a permanent link on my front page soon. I put a temporary link below too.
My Flickr Photo Gallery
Announcements,Tuesday, November 15, 2005
Family and friends, the forums have been open for some time now. Please join in. We are having fun, passionately talking about various subjects, sharing about our lives and doing prayer requests all at the same time. There were some issues with logging in and sometimes your message would disappear if you took a while to type it, but I think most of those issues should be resolved by now. Let me know if you have any troubles posting in the forum. I’ll be more than glad to help.
TIP: If you hate searching through the forums trying to find the new messages, when you enter the forum, look at the top of the forum page, just under the search box. There’s a link titled “View New Posts”. It will show you all the new posts that you have yet to read. Cool, right! I didn’t even know it was there until after the umpteenth time of manually browsing through the forums to find the new posts. It actually works!
Announcements,Thursday, October 13, 2005
I decided to try out a blog format for my website. This will make it easier to add new items.
Not sure how long it will last, but it’s worth a try. If you want to go to the photography galleries, click the gallery category and it will bring you right to it. I will add more announcements as more features and changes are made
I changed the website over to expression engine. I think this time I’ll be staying with this format. The look may change a little, but the way things work is generally going to stay the same.
Announcements,Thursday, October 13, 2005
I can be emailed at [email protected]
Announcements,Wednesday, October 12, 2005
If you are looking for wedding and photography services, please browse the portfolios, and pricing.
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