“Let moma put your shirt on and then I’ll give you your gun.” Jenn Lombardi



Great Bible Giveaway - July

If you are like my wife, when she sees a premium Bible, she thinks, “I’m not spending over $100 on a Bible!” Now Logos is giving away 72 premium Bibles over the next 6 months. Enter and perhaps you may not need to spend a penny. Here’s their ad about this event:

Logos Bible Software is celebrating the launch of their new online Bible by giving away 72 ultra-premium print Bibles at a rate of 12 per month for six months. The Bible giveaway is being held at Bible.Logos.com and you can get up to five different entries each month! After you enter, be sure to check out Logos and see how it can revolutionize your Bible study.


A Thank You from East India

This year, Compassion International brought some people to see the operations in India. I was invited, but at several thousand dollars, I simply couldn’t afford it at this time. They put a short thank you video together for the sponsors. It is very heart warming and encouraging. I cannot put into words how much sponsoring a child has affected me. I strongly recommend sponsoring a child.


Tasting But Not Feeding

I’ve been reading the works of John Owen lately and it is difficult reading, but there are many great insights into the Scriptures. I want to share some of the things I’ve been reading, so I’ll post short bits here. Feel free to add comments as you desire.

In this post, John Owen describes the character of an apostate, a person who is said to “taste the good word”, but later they are found to fall away. This is from Heb 6:4-6, and you should be able to mouse over the scripture reference and the scripture will pop-up for you to read.

“When men feed on the word, it is turned into a principle of life, spiritual strength, and growth within; which a taste of it only will not give. As food, when it is digested, turns into flesh and blood and spirits, so doth the word, and Christ therein, unto the souls of men spiritually. Hence Christ becometh “our life,” and “liveth in us,” as the efficient cause of our spiritual life, Gal. 2:20; Col. 3:3; and we grow and increase by the word, 1 Pet. 2:2. A mere taste, though it may yield present refreshment, yet it communicates no abiding strength. Hence multitudes relish the word when it is preached, but never attain life, or strength, or growth by it.” (John Owen, The Works of John Owen vol. 7, 31)


The Pope Tells Africans Condoms Increase HIV Problem

Perhaps the pope simply put his foot in his mouth, but either way, the statement doesn’t sound like one of wisdom.

“You can’t resolve it with the distribution of condoms,” the pope told reporters aboard the plane heading to Yaounde. “On the contrary, it increases the problem.”

From what I understand, the condom completely stops the transmission of the HIV virus to the other person. Of course, abstinence is the best way and I that’s what the pope wants, but to go so far to say that using condoms increases the HIV problem? That’s just complete contrary to the truth. Even the nurses and people in the churches there in Africa that serve the African are not liking what the pope is saying. And furthermore, if the people who are having unsafe sex are unmarried, and having sex with multiple partners, they are also likely unrepentant, unbelievers who are not interested in satisfying the religious dogma of the Roman Catholic Church. For them, the pope should be more concerned for them coming to faith and repentance rather than propagating nonsense that condoms worsen the spread of HIV.

In my opinion, the Roman Catholic Church would not provide them true faith and more likely worsen their spiritual matter. They need to hear the gospel of Jesus Christ without the baggage of traditions and nonsensical sayings of popes. They’ll need to go to a protestant church for that. And I might add that they should go to one that hasn’t diluted or marketed the gospel. But in any case, the Roman Catholic Church and their pope make physical (HIV) and spiritual health worse.

Click here to read the entire new article


Life with a Bible Blog

I stumbled across this cool blog that features various photos of Bibles. Check it out

Click here to visit the “Life with a Bible” blog

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