“I may be speaking to some who can say, with an emphasis, that they oftentimes find great crops of thistles springing up in their hearts, and they have to keep the sickle of sacred mortification going to cut them down, and they try if possible to dig them up by the roots. But thus it is; you cannot expect a perfect life of happiness in an imperfect world Eke this. No; your Savior carried the cross, and you will have a cross of some kind or other to carry after him. ??Thorns also and thistles shall it bring forth to thee.?? Spurgeon, C. H.
Family,Wednesday, October 26, 2005
Matthew has reached another milestone. Yes, that’s right, according to experts, sticking the foot in your mouth is a mark of development and achievement. As adults, of course, the phrase “sticking your foot in your mouth” takes on entirely different meaning. However, for Matthew, this is great news. Without any help from us, while laying on his back, he can bring his foot up within hands reach, grab it, and stick it in his mouth.
Family,Monday, October 03, 2005
It seems like every time I go on a plane trip I am compelled to call home and let mom and dad know that we have arrived safely. This seemed to make sense being that we launched ourselves across the airways, flying thousands of feet above the ground. Any accident and we would surely perish. However, studies show that driving is thousands of times more dangerous than flying. As a matter of fact, 1 in 11 million passengers are involved in a plane accidents while 1 in 5,000 drivers are involved in a fatal car accidents. Perhaps I should be calling mom and dad every time I drive somewhere!
Family,Thursday, September 08, 2005
Jenn tells me that Matthew loves to watch the Tele-Tubbies. Yes, that strange show that makes little sense to adults is perfect sense to Matthew. We mentioned this to our Bible study group and they were quick to point out how one of the Tele-Tubbies is apparently a gay character. Some people have gone so far as to ban Tele-Tubbies as entertainment for their child. This is understandable behavior. But from a practical view, this doesn’t make much sense. Heck, we paid for our cable television and this program is providing Matthew with some reasonable stimulation and occupying his time while Jenn is able to do some housework, etc. Let’s get real here, Matthew is not at an age that he is going to understand that the gay character exist. He’s not going to subconciously gain a sexual preference from a “supposedly gay” tele-tubby. I think it’s just paranoia to be afraid of this “gay” tele-tubby.
Family,Thursday, August 11, 2005
We travelled to Los Gatos for a light walk. It was a beautiful day, we were a little bored of being inside the house. So we decided to kill some time and enjoy the outdoors. We parked at Vasona Park and started walking down a trail that I thought would be a nice walk. As we walked and walked it seemed like the sun was beating down harder and harder. There wasn?t much shade around. Highway 17 was only tens of feet away, so instead of the peaceful sounds of outdoors, it was more like stopping your car on the freeway and walking down the shoulder! I tried to keep my composure and enjoy the walk. I looked back at Jenn to see that she wasn?t very happy. Several times she asked where we were going and when we would be there. I think my first response was ?over there?. I don?t think she appreciated that response. My second response was something like, ?just around the corner?. She said she didn?t believe me. I don?t blame her. I began to think about what it must have been like to be in the desert for 40 days and 40 nights. I suppose it was like a spiritual journey. Well, not really. Jenn was hysterically upset by the end. She was laughing and complaining yet she swore that she was really mad. We finally arrived in the downtown area. I was dripping sweat. I pointed out a beautiful Victorian style home to ease Jenn?s mind. She was quick to say that she didn?t care about the house one bit. Even though it seems like we were having hardships, we were actually enjoying our time together. I guess that?s one of the special things I like about Jenn. We have our disagreements and conflicts throughout the day, but in the end, I wouldn?t sell you a moment of our time if you tried to buy it. My time with Jenn and Matthew is priceless. We stopped at a place called Blendz to get a couple juice smoothies. Then headed to the nearby town center park to rest in the shade and drink our smoothies. The park had a small section for the kids to jump through geysers of water spraying out of the ground. I walked Matthew around the park and he was very interested in all the trees that lined the perimeter of the park. After a short while, he started to notice all the kids running through the water. I wonder what he must of thought seeing something like that for the first time.
Family,Thursday, June 16, 2005
We dressed Matthew for the first time in a cute jean overall outfit that was given to us by our dear friends Alejandra and Raul. This was a special day for us. We stood before our church, Jenn and I along with other families. We were on stage with the lights on us. It was definitely a new feeling to be on the stage. It’s like walking off the couch and into the television set. I know it’s just our stage at our home Church. But somehow it felt like I was on television with all those lights and camera on us. The stage has monitors that you can look down onto and see yourself. I looked up at the large projection screens at one point to see myself looking up at the screens! The pastor speaks into a wireless microphone, his voice is filling the entire room. Jenn and I stood their to confirm our dedication to raising Matthew to be a man of God. We vowed to do our best to teach him about the God of the Bible and guide him in the wise ways of God. Church on the Hill also vowed to help out; teaching and guiding Matthew to know and love God. Thank you God, and all the faithfull believers at Church on the Hill