“Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God. ” (Col 3:16)



Christmas Day

We had a good Christmas Day. We started with the usual morning routine of coffee, breakfast and showers and then started our Christmas with a devotional time to celebrate the birth of Christ. We used a book from Ligonier Ministries to guide our devotional time. We started with prayer, continued with worship songs, birth of Jesus bible story for Matthew, more scripture readings and worship. Afterwards, the rest of family gathered to have lunch and open presents. I don’t have time to go over every present, but let’s just say that everyone was very happy. I hope you enjoy some of the photos in the gallery.
Click here to see all the photos on SmugMug


I’m from Hickory

Claire loved this stroll down to the park in the Baby Bjorn.

She’s so funny. She was kicking and smiling with excitement. I joked that she looks like she’s saying, “I’m from HIckory”. That’s a famous line from the latest Last Comic Standing winner John Reep. Check out this clip from Comedy Central where he does a little of his Hickory head shaking.


Barista Apprentice

Matthew has been watching me make coffee very carefully and learning a bit more about coffee making than I thought.

Without me telling him a thing, he knows to get the portafilter, put it under the coffee hopper and pull the trigger for the grounds to drop into the portafilter. Press the grounds down with a tamper and put the portafilter back up to the espresso machine. Pull the level for water to go through the coffee. He knows that the steam wand is for the milk pitcher. Of course, he does all this with the power to the machines off, but someday he’ll be making us coffee in the morning! And I wouldn’t be surprised if his first job is at Starbucks.
See all the photos in the Lombardi Spot galleries


Those Watery Eyes

Claire was feeling a little under the weather.

For some reason she was a little sick and had watery eyes for a couple days. She seemed a little sad too. It was breaking our heart to see her in this way. Thankfully, it quickly passed.


Overture for Moms


To all the moms out there, here’s your masterpiece. wink If you don’t see any embedded video below. Click Here to see it on YouTube

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