“While we are blinded by carnal desires, the commands of God will appear rigorous; and we shall labour more to explain them away, than to obey them: but if once we adopt them as the rule of our conduct, their beauty and excellence will manifestly appear; and we shall be convinced that, to obey them is, to be truly happy?”
Simeon, C. (1832-63). Horae Homileticae Vol. 15: Romans (474). London.




The Japanese place the suffix “-san” when speaking someone else’s name as a courtousy. So why am I talking about Japanese courtousy? My co-workers in Japan were very gracious to send Matthew this Japanese outfit.

He’s even starting to pick up the Japanese work ethic. Here he is watering a tree.

He had fun running down the grass hill in front of our house.




Matthew’s not a afraid to adventure into dark and hard to reach places. In fact, those places hold the most curiosity! Sometimes, he comes prepared with a powerful flashlight. I think this flashlight is a little big for him.



Remote 101

We thought it would be a good idea to introduce Matthew to the essentials of technology and what on earth is more essential than the remote!

After some amount of discovery, he was soon doing everything from putting the reciever on mute, to changing modes of operation. Some modes we didn’t even know existed!

I know it’s hard for some of us to admit. But sometimes we just get frustrated with technology. Matthew has found the solution.

Coat the device with slobber until the circuits no longer function! Yeah!

See more of our latest photos in the January 2006 gallery: Click Here


Community Support Agriculture

We joined the community supported agriculture (CSA) program of a local organic farm. This means we get a share of their harvest throughout the year.

Each week, the farm puts together boxes with fresh vegetables and fruit that they picked from the fields. They drive throughout the South Bay and drop off these boxes to a variety of pick up sites. Our site happens to be only 2 miles from our house!

The nice thing about this, is that we don’t need to drive far, and we are gauranteed to have fresh, ripe and completely organically grown fruits and vegetables for the week. We pay around $1000 for the entire spring, summer and fall seasons. That comes to abuot $30 per box. It’s much cheaper and more convenient that going to the organic food store.

Jenn and I tend to settle on 3 or 4 of our favorite vegetables and fruits, so this program will also encourage us to eat a wider variety of healthy fruits and vegetables.

The farm we are using is called Live Earth Farm. Check out their website. Click Here

We found them by searching for CSA’s in the Bay Area using Local Harvest’s website. You can also find a local farm anywhere in the country. Click Here


Future of Food

Remember that saying, “you are what you eat”. Well, this statement has never been more frightening after watching the eye opening film about our food industry called “Future of Food”.

Our food industry in the U.S. is run by huge multinational conglomerate cooperations that are money and power hungry. Let’s face the facts about businesses, they are out to make money. This film is a stark reminder that it is up to consumers and the government to protect themselves. However, it turns out, in the United States, the government agencies such as the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) are being run by the former employees of these cooperation. It’s the old “fox watching the hen house”. How can us chickens be safe when the fox, who wants to pounce and kill on the chickens, is in charge of the safety of the chickens?

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