” Though the fig tree should not blossom, nor fruit be on the vines, the produce of the olive fail and the fields yield no food, the flock be cut off from the fold and there be no herd in the stalls, yet I will rejoice in the Lord; I will take joy in the God of my salvation.” (Habakkuk 3:17-18, ESV)



Farmed Salmon found Poisonous

Experts are now recommending that the average person eat farmed salmon no more than three times a year because of the level of carcinogenic pollutants found in them. They recommend younger people, children, and pregnant women do not eat farmed salmon at all. Read the full story at United Press International: Click Here

Stricter regulations to clean up the farms are needed in order to insure healthier farmed Salmon. Meanwhile, it’s better to eat Wild Salmon.


Migrating to America is bad for health

A new study finds that foriegn born people become more unhealthy, suffering from obesity and high blood pressure when they move to the U.S. This was only a six year study. I wonder what the long term effective of America is on their health. On the upside, we can give them lots of drugs and pills to keep them alive longer. Read the full article: Click Here


Abortions Killing Mommy

A new study, linking abortion rates to death rate in women has found that abortion actually increases the death rate in women.

The main causes for the increase are suicide, accidents and homicide. Agape press has a summary article on the issue. Click Here

AfterAbortion.org has a more lengthy article with more details information and research citations. Click Here

Agape pressing is pointing out that this is good evidence to add to the fight to overturn Roe vs. Wade since one of the strong arguments was that it was safer for a women to have an abortion. This new evidence shows the contrary.

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