“We do not live in a praying age. We live in an age of hustle and bustle, of man’s efforts and man’s determination, of man’s confidence in himself and in his own power to achieve things, an age of human organization, and human machinery, and human push, and human scheming, and human achievement; which in the things of God means no real achievement at all.  What we need is not so much some new organization, some new wheel, but the Spirit of the living creature in the wheels we already possess.”
Dr. Reuben A. Torrey, The Power of Prayer



New Cars can be Toxic

A study found some components of the “new car smell” are toxic.

We already know that new cars are the worst investment on earth. They loose a huge percentage of their value in the first years of ownership. Apparently you could be loosing your health too! This adds another great reason to buy used cars.

Read the full article on CNN’s website: Click Here


Bird Flu Q&A

WebMD posted some Question and Answers to the Bird Flu. Click Here

The questions and answers are very informative and answer most questions that people would ask.


Pandemic Threat

The government is now recommending that the public stock up on the basics in case of a pandemic!

WebMD posted the article Flu Pandemic Guide: Stock Up on Basics citing that the federal government is recommending this action. The article goes into some detail about what to stock up on. It also discusses the notice from the federal government. There are some critics to this notice.

UPDATE: I checked on the Center for Disease Control (CDC) website and also check on the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). I found that what was really released was a preparedness document to help families prepare in the even of a pandemic. This is one of a number of actions that government has been doing in light of the fact that we aren’t really prepared. Click here for the HHS Press Release

You can download the Pandemic Preparedness document and the Family Info document from here. If you click directly on the link, it will open in your browser. You can also right click the link and “Save Target As…” to your computer.


Are you going to stock up?

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A Real Christmas Story

A story with the “Christmas Spirit” that sometimes seems to be lost in all the shopping and commercialism.

A Saratoga See’s candy employee had accidentally dropped a familiy heirloom diamond ring into a candy bag. She thought it was gone forever. A week later, a San Jose lady return the ring to the woman. Read the whole story at the San Jose Mercury News. You might need a kleenex. It’s a touching story. Click Here


Target is Anti-Christian

Target bans Salvation Army bell ringers because they are labeled a “religious group” and Target doesn’t want to contribute to any religious group. On the other hand, Target does contribute to homosexuals. So although they may tote themselves as taking a neutral ground, really they are seeming to be biased against Christians and pro-homosexual, supporting liberal agendas. Many people think that Target is banning Salvation Army because Salvation Army doesn’t support homosexuals.

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