“Read your Bible from end to end. Read it everyday. Some of you say, “if I read my bible through 5 time in one year I wouldn’t get anything done”. You’re right, you would get a lot less done. But you know what, you just might become the kind of person who in the very few things that you do, would make an everlasting difference in the world.” John Piper
Family,Monday, April 09, 2007
Our church had an outdoor Easter morning service I was looking forward to all week. It was a beautiful morning that started with children singing a worship song. This was followed by several traditional Easter songs like Crown Him with Many Crowns. That’s a favorite of mine and I still had the song in my head as I was falling asleep that night. We had sat down at 9:45, and the service started at 10:15. By 11am, Matthew was thoroughly restless and wanted to leave.
I took him towards the back of the outdoor area and there happened to be a great number of children running around on the grass area, playing at the decorative fountain and climbing and and getting into everything from rocks, to stairs, to dirt. This was fun momentarily, but after another 30 minutes, I wanted to sit down again and listen to the sermon. After all, it was Easter Sunday and the pastor had been preparing his sermon all week in anticipation for honoring the resurrection of Jesus this day. Unfortunately, Matthew would simply not sit still. Both Jenn and I grew tired of chasing him all over the community center park. He had received one spanking already and the thought of turning Easter morning into a spanking session was not very attractive. So we reluctantly headed home.
I was mildly frustrated that Matthew would not sit still. I began to think that we need to tighten up discipline on him so that he will sit still during a service. Jenn disagreed and we had a bit of tension on that subject. But it seemed that we were not the only parents struggling. After all, the area they chose to have the service was a very cool outdoor community center and park that looked like a playground for kids. It’s like placing kids in Disneyland and telling them to sit still. Normally on Sundays the toddlers are in playrooms where they play with toys, hear stories and eat snacks while the parents are in the service. I suppose it is a bit unrealistic to expect Matthew is going to adapt to sitting through a sermon without every having tried to do so previously.
There were parents scatter all over the place. Several parents were even in their cars with their kids. There was even a parent that happened to be leaving at the same time we were leaving. Next year, we may either change our expectations and expect Matthew to play in the back with other kids. Or we will try to leave him with my parents that morning.
Family,Monday, April 09, 2007
We had a full day on Easter Day. Morning started with Church, lunch time was Taco Bell, an after lunch walk to the park were we took a number of photos. Matthew had his daily nap, while I started cooking a ham, and finally our local family came over to celebrate my father and brother’s birthdays.
The photo below is of Jenn and Matthew at the park. We found this cool tree that seemed to work very good for photos and Matthew seemed to enjoy it too.
I found a dandelion bloom, or what I’ve always referred to as a “wish”. This next photo is of me and Matthew, with his “wish” in his mouth.
To see more of the flickr photos in this set, Click Here
Christianity,Sunday, April 08, 2007
I mostly think of celebration when I think of Easter. Christ is Risen! In contrast to the solemn good Friday where people often wear black and think about the death of Christ. Easter is commonly a day of celebration and joy and rightly so for those that believe in His death and resurrection. I found a sermon by Charles Spurgeon where he talks about feeling rest on this Easter day. I think it’s very comforting. Here’s an exerpt. I also included the entire sermon for you if you are compelled to read it all.
To have a part in the resurrection of Christ is to enjoy that Sabbath which remaineth for the people of God. We who have believed in the risen Lord do enter into rest, even as he also himself is resting at the right hand of the Father. In him we rest because his work is finished, his resurrection being the pledge that he has perfected all that is needful for the salvation of his people, and we are complete in him. I trust this morning that some restful thoughts may, by the power of the Holy Spirit, be sown in the minds of believers
Spurgeon, C. H.
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Family,Friday, April 06, 2007
Matthew had his first haircut. We were concerned with the sharp scissors being next to his precious head. But he didn’t flinch or make any sudden moves. Here’s some before, during and after shots. Don’t be confused about how the series of photos suggest that he went from a wild haired crazy kid to a clean cut well behaved child. Unfortunately the haircut had no effect on his behavior, but fortunately, we still love him.
Organics,Saturday, March 31, 2007
Drug companies are trying to use genetically engineered seeds to grow crops that produce compounds to make drugs. This practice is very dangerous to our food supply and cross contamination is a certainty. Fields growing genetically engineered crops have already proven to contaminate neighboring crops. This problem has already wrecked the lives and reputation of farmers. Now, with pharmaceutical companies growing crops for use in drugs, the problem can escalate to harmful health problems from accidentally consumption of “pharma” plants. Union of Concerned Scientist put up a website that describes in detail, all the concerns, how to find out about these crops in your area, and a petition that you can sign to help stop it. Click Here